Parts of the feet and legs. The leg and foot. knee,leg,shin,calf,ankle,heel,foot,instep,arch of the foot,ball of the foot,sole of the foot,toe,big toe,little toe,middle toe,toenail. To see the infographic of the parts of the hand click here To see the infographic of the parts of the body click here To see the infographic of the parts of […]
Parts of the hand
Parts of the hand. The arm and hand. finger,palm,wrist,forearm,elbow,upper arm,shoulder. The hand and fingers. handpalmback of the handthumbindex fingermiddle fingerring fingerlittle fingerfinger nailknuckle To see the infographic of the parts of the body click here. To see the infographic of the parts of the face click here. To see the infographic of the parts of […]
Parts of the face
Parts of the face. eyes,eyebrow,eyelashes,eyelids, You use your eyes to see. nose,nostrils, You use your nose to smell and to breathe. Mouth,lips,lower lip,upper lip. You use your mouth to eat, speak and breathe. ears,earlobe. You use your ears to hear and to listen to something or someone. Other parts of the face cheek, cheekbone, chin, […]
Parts of the body
Parts of the body. The Face: eye,nose,mouth,ear,cheek,cheekbone,chin,jaw,nostrils,eyebrow,eyelid,eyelashes,lips,upper lip,lower lip. To see the infographic of the face click here. The arm and hand. finger,palm,wrist,forearm,elbow,upper arm,shoulder. The hand and fingers. hand,palm,back of the hand,thumb,index finger,middle finger,ring finger,little finger,finger nail,knuckle. To see the infographic of the parts of the hand click here. The leg and foot. knee,leg,shin,calf,ankle,heel,foot,instep,arch of […]
Parts of the day
Parts of the day A day is commonly divided into 24 hours of 60 minutes, with each minute composed of 60 seconds. A solar day is the length of time between the Sun reaching its highest point (the meridian) in the sky two consecutive times.A day is the period of time during which the Earth […]